Duke Ellington Discography: Jam With Sam

Composer: Duke Ellington
Grade Audio Date Gig Vocalist Source Note
85 Audio January 21, 1951 Concert at Metropolitan Opera House, New York, New York at Metropolitan Opera House (Vee Jay LP) (Side 2, Track 2b) DE5102n
84 May 2, 1951 ABC Television Broadcast as "The Kreisler Bandstand", New York, New York 2 Great Concerts 1952/1965 (Track 9b) DE5105h
89 May 4, 1951? WMCA Radio Broadcast from Birdland, New York, New York He's Mr. Edward Kennedy Duke Ellington (Side 1, Track 1b) DE5121c
93 Audio May 10, 1951 Studio Session for CBS, New York, New York The Complete Duke Ellington 1947-1952 (CBS 66607) (Side 8, Track 4) DE5106d
Columbia 39670
Columbia SGD 4
86 June 11, 1951 MBS Radio Broadcast from Meadowbrook Ballroom, Cedar Grove, New Jersey Meadowbrook Ballroom, Cedar Grove NJ, MBS Broadcast DE5117c
83 August 19, 1951 Studio Session for Stars on Parade, New York, New York With Fred Robbins (Gotham LP) (Side 2, Track 4) DE5124m
83 January 5, 1952 Concert at Metropolitan Opera House, New York, New York Rare Live Recordings 1952-3 (Disk 1, Track 9b) DE5201j
88 Audio March 14, 1952 Film Shorts for Snader, Los Angeles, California On The Jazz Train (Track 9b) DE5203c
82 Audio March 25, 1952 Concert at the Civic Auditorium, Seattle, Washington The Complete RCA Victor Recordings, Disk Q, Seattle Concert (Track 13) DE5206p
87 Audio July 30, 1952 NBC Radio Broadcast at the Blue Note, Chicago, Illinois Flying Home (Track 8) DE5213h
88 Audio August 6, 1952 NBC Radio Broadcast at the Blue Note, Chicago, Illinois Radio Days "Live", The Blue Note, Chicago (Track 8b) DE5215j
87 Audio September 1952 NBC Radio Broadcast at the Town Casino, Cleveland, Ohio NBC Radio Broadcast, Cleveland DE5217d
84 February 2, 1953 "Jazz Caravan" WMGM Radio Broadcast from the Band Box, New York, New York At the Band Box DE5304k
84 Audio February 9, 1953 "Jazz Caravan" WMGM Radio Broadcast from the Band Box, New York, New York Mingus chez Duke, Bandbox, New York 1953, MDD 010 (Track 18) DE5307j
84 Audio March 30, 1953 Concert at the Civic Auditorium, Pasadena, California The 1953 Pasadena Concert (Track 6b) DE5312i
84 Audio June 12, 1953 NBC Radio Broadcast at the Blue Note, Chicago, Illinois The Duke Ellington Orchestra (Track 9) DE5319e
85 Audio August 23, 1953 "Treasury Band Show" ABC Radio Broadcast, Reading, Pennsylvania DE5329d
89 October 4, 1953 Concert at NIJC Auditorium, Coeur D'Alene, Idaho Ciro's Restaurant (Joyce 4014 LP) (Side 2, Track 2c) DE5330c
85 Audio February 8, 1954 Concert at the Forum, Hamilton, Canada In Hamilton - 1954, Disk 2 (Track 14) DE5404z
85 Audio April 29, 1954 Dance Date at McElroy's Ballroom, Portland, Oregon Happy Birthday, Duke!, Disk 5 (Track 2) DE5407ab
85 November 13, 1954 Dance Date at Dance Jantzen Beach Ballroom, Portland, Oregon Jantzen Beach Ballroom DE5418x
84 July 9, 1955 CBS Television Broadcast "America's Greatest Bands", New York, New York Special Occasions with Cab Calloway, Menuhin and Kenton (Track 4) DE5511f
85 July 2, 1956 Concert at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Heading for Newport 1956 (Track 13) DE5612g
84 July 21, 1956 CBC Radio Broadcast from the Brant Inn, Burlington, Ontario Duke Ellington at the Brant Inn (Track 10) DE5620e
90 July 25, 1956 Concert at Severance Hall, Cleveland, Ohio Radio Denmark Broadcast #48 DE5621h
83 Audio July 1, 1957 CBS Radio Broadcast from Ravinia Park, Highland Park, Illinois CBS Radio Ravinia Park Concert DE9097h
90 November 1957 WGN Television Broadcast, Chicago, Illnois One Night Stand with Duke Ellington (Joyce LP) (Side 1, Track 2) DE5744b
84 Audio October 29, 1958 Concert at the Theatre de L'Alhambra, Paris, France At The Alhambra (Track 11) DE5842f
85 November 20, 1958 Concert at the Salle Pleyel, Paris, France In Concert At the Pleyel Paris 1958 Part 2 (Track 5) DE5856v
81 Audio July 4, 1959 Concert at the Freebody Park, Newport, Rhode Island Live! At the Newport Jazz Festival (Track 8) DE5924m
84 August 8, 1959 Concert at Chicago Stadium, Chicago, Illinois First Playboy Jazz Festival, Chicago DE5925b
87 Audio September 8, 1959 CBS Studio Session, New York, New York The Columbia Studio Albums Collection, 1959-1961 (Festival Session, Track 12) DE5928k
83 Audio September 20, 1959 Concert at the Salle Pleyel, Paris, France Live in Paris 1959 (Track 10) DE9034q
83 September 26, 1959 Concert at the Stockholm Concert Hall, Stockholm, Sweden Konserthuset Concert DE5931xc
84 September 30, 1959 Concert at the KB-Hallen, Copenhagen, Denmark Concert in Copenhagen, Denmark DE9099q
88 Audio October 4, 1959 Concert at the Sportpalast, Berlin, West Germany Berlin 1959 (Disk 2, Track 2) DE5933q
85 Audio October 9, 1959 Concert at the Kongress-Haus, Zurich, Switzerland Zurich, Switzerland Concert DE5934o
84 August 26, 1960 Concert at the Connie Mack Stadium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Radio Remotes Featuring The Duke Ellington Orchestra & Benny Goodman's Groups (Side 2, Track 5) DE6028e
83 Audio September 24, 1960 Concert at the Monterey Jazz Festival, Monterey, California Live at Monterey 1960 The Unheard Recordings Part One (Track 13b) DE6029m
87 Audio January 9, 1962 Goodyear Film Short, New York, New York Masters of Jazz Vol. 6 (Track 8b) DE6204f
87 Audio February 13, 1962 National Guard Transcription, New York, New York Della Reese with Duke Ellington Orchestra (Track 17) DE6209q
83 Audio May 1, 1962 Studio Session, New York, New York Featuring Paul Gonsalves (Track 4) DE6218l
84 July 8, 1962 Concert at Freebody Park, Newport, Rhode Island On The Air 1954 and 1962 (Track 14) DE6233e
87 Audio February 1, 1963 Concert at Olympia Theatre, Paris, France The Great Paris Concert, Disk 2 (Track 1) DE6310n
82 Audio February 5, 1963 Concert in Helsinki, Finland House of Culture, Helsinki DE6314j
84 February 6, 1963 Concert at the Stockholm Concert Hall, Stockholm, Sweden First Stockholm Concert DE9098k
83 February 6, 1963 Concert at the Stockholm Concert Hall, Stockholm, Sweden Second Stockholm Concert DE6315xd
84 February 19, 1963 Concert at the Kongresshaus, Zurich, Switzerland 20th Death Anniversary (Track 8) DE6329k
83 Audio February 21, 1963 Concert at the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory, Milan, Italy The Great Duke Ellington (Track 3) DE6331c
80 August 26, 1963 Concert at the Michigan State Fair, Detroit, Michigan The Girls and Premieres 1958-1963, MDD 004 (Track 10) DE6365l
82 September 9, 1963 Concert at the Damascus Fair, Damascus, Syria Damascus Concert DE6367n
85 October 10, 1963 Concert at Rang Bhavan, Bombay, India State Department Sponsored Bombay, India Concert DE6373k
81 January 14, 1964 WNEW Radio Broadcast from Basin Street East, New York, New York at Basin Street East 1964 (Track 18) DE6402j
78 January 14, 1964 WNEW Radio Broadcast from Basin Street East, New York, New York at Basin Street East 1964 (Track 20) DE6402k
89 Audio March 29, 1964 Concert at the Carnegie Hall, New York, New York Live at Carnegie Hall 1964 Vol. 2 (Track 12) DE6428aa
91 April 28 & 29, 1964 WNEW Television Broadcast, New York, New York in concerto (New York 1964) (Track 6) DE6436h
80 Audio May 24, 1964 "Ed Sullivan Show" CBS Television Broadcast, New York, New York Ed Sullivan Show Amazon.com MP3 DE6440c
78 September 3-4, 1964 "Festival - The Duke" CBC Television Broadcast, Toronto, Canada Featuring Johnny Hodges (Rarities no 2) (Side 2, Track 7) DE6457m
83 December 31, 1964 CBS and NBC Radio Broadcasts from Basin Street East, New York, New York from Basin Street East in New York DE6462d
83 January 12, 1965 "The Big Bands" WGN Television Broadcast, Chicago, Illinois Early Tracks from the Master of Swing (DVD, Track 14) DE6502h
84 Audio January 29, 1965 Concert at Champs-Elysées Theater, Paris, France The Champs-Elysees Theater, Jan. 29-30th, 1965, Disk 2 (Track 13) DE6506f
84 February 9, 1965 Concert at the Liederhalle, Stuttgart, West Germany 1965-02-09 Stuttgart, West Germany DE6512ab
80 Audio January 30, 1966 Concert at the Opera House, Milan, Italy Duke & Ella Teatro Lirico Milano (Track 12) DE6608n
81 February 8, 1966 Sveriges Radio Television Taping at the Circus, Stockholm, Sweden Circus, Stockholm Concert DE6616l
83 Audio April 9, 1966 Concert at the Daniel Sorano Theater, Dakar, Senegal World Festival of Negro Arts, Senegal DE6638n
82 Audio July 3, 1966 Concert at Freebody Park, Newport, Rhode Island Ring Dem Bells (Track 10) DE6652o
83 Audio July 27, 1966 Concert at Frank Jay Gould Square, Juan-les-Pins, France Côte D'Azur Concerts (Disk 3, Track 13) DE6662aa
68 Audio November 5, 1966 CBS Television Taping for "The Jackie Gleason Show", Miami Beach, Florida DE6677c
78 November 21, 1966 WNEW Radio Broadcast from the Mark Twain Restaurant, New York, New York Ellington Galaxy blog DE6681k
84 Audio January 23, 1967 DR Televison Broadcast, Copenhagen, Denmark The Intimate Ellington (DVD) (Track 15) DE6709o